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A Christmas Message from our Chief Executive.

Time to read: 1 minute

As 2023 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last 12 months and wish you the very best for the Christmas period.

We’ve been proud to reach some fantastic milestones this year, including looking after over 500,000 clients and £28 billion of assets on their behalf. However, what pleases me more is the service we’ve been able to provide to you. Keeping our clients supported throughout the year, and communicating often and clearly, when markets are challenging as well as positive, is of paramount important to us – as we know how much it matters to you.

I’m also delighted to share that with our final charity partner of the year, Cash for Kids, we’ve raised £10,502 for an excellent cause – as well as many gifts donated through our Head Office collection point.

This wonderful charity helps ensure that as many children as possible get to wake up on Christmas morning with a present under the tree and we’re proud to support them for another year.

Keep an eye out in the new year for our year in review video, which will share more of the ways we’ve been able to support our clients today, tomorrow and beyond.

It has been a privilege to look after your savings and investments this year, one we take incredibly seriously and never for granted.

Once again, allow me to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Daniel Harrison

Chief Exectuive

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