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Tax & Inheritance

Financial Advice: Ask the experts.

Written by Ben Maddison on Apr 16th, 2024 Time to read: 0 minutes

Your chance to speak directly to our expert financial advisers.

We would like to invite you to join our Head of Central Advice, Neil Rayner, and Financial Adviser, Lowell Wright for an exclusive Q&A session.

With the beginning of a new tax year, our qualified financial advisers will be breaking down how you can get the most of your investments in the tax year 2024/25, discussing the potential of compound growth, pound-cost averaging and reviewing performance in Q1.

The sessions will be taking place on Thursday 25th April at 12pm and 6pm.

These sessions will include a Live Q&A section for you to ask our experts any questions you have.

Register below for our 12pm or 6pm session on Thursday 25th April.


With investing, your capital is at risk.

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With investing your capital is at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value, and you could get back less than you invest.

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